Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spotlight Wednesdays

Our spotlight this week is Stacy.  She is a friend of my cousin Sarah and they take their kids to story time together.  That is all I know about her so far, but if she is a friend of Sarah then she must be pretty cool.   So welcome Stacy! I enjoyed getting to know you through your spotlight a little bit. Especially your answer to #10... it's good to know I'm not the only one who's done that. :)

1. Do you have a favorite author or genre? And if so what do you find most appealing about them?

I've really enjoyed Dan Brown's novels.  I think they're so full of information that it gives me lots to think about. Plus, they're fast paced, so I'm not reading about what a door looked like for a few pages...

2. If you could have tea (or lunch, or any meal really, tea just feels more book clubbish, doesn't it?) with any three characters from all of literature who would it be?  

Junie B. Jones, let's face it.  She's hilarious. Molly Weasley, and Nancy Drew.  Can you tell I'm sophisticated?

3. Do you have a favorite reading or book related quote? 

"Anyone who says they only have one life to live must not know how to read a book."

4. Where is your favorite place to read?

In bed.  It's cozy.

5. Do you have any funny reading quirks? (Like having to read things in numerical order or not reading books that start with the letter Q? Something like that?) 

I don't think so. Except for that I always feel like I have to be munching on something while I'm reading.  So, this book club might lead to a few extra pounds. :S

6. How many books are currently by your bed (on your nightstand or on the floor?) 

How many of those are you in the middle of reading? 2 and 2.  Told you I'm not a super reader.

7. Do you have a favorite children's book? 

I have too many favorite Children's books.  But if I had to choose, I'd say "Little Black Sambo"

8. What is your earliest book related memory? 

My mom reading "Little Black Sambo" to me.

9. What is most amount of money you have ever had to pay in library fines? 

$3 exactly.  

10. Do you have any great story to share about trying to multi-task while reading? (i.e. walking into something while your nose was in a book?)  

Only dropping a book on my baby because I fell asleep while nursing, but I'm sure we've all done that.  Right? ...Right?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome! #10 definitely made me laugh! I'm not a 2000+ page a week reader (like some other people I know) So don't feel bad about being a super reader. We are all super readers, no matter what! ☺
