Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spotlight Wednesdays

The spotlight this week is one of my very favorite people, and frequent partner in crime, my sister Caitlin.  Caite is hilarious, especially since a lot of the time people have this image of her as a quiet, little thing and then are quite taken aback by her sharp and witty intellect. I love it. We always have the most fun together and usually enjoy the same taste in books, movies, hobbies, and desserts. She is the best aunt in the world and my children adore her. She is taking a sabbatical from school right, but is working to become a Rad-Tech.  I know that means she takes x-rays of people, and she has some very funny stories that you should ask her about.  I could go on and on, but really that would be gushing now wouldn't it. So I'll just let you read on and get to know her in her own words.
1. Do you have a favorite author or genre? And if so what do you find most appealing about them?
I love fantasy adventure and romance novels. Real life can be so blah at times—it’s nice to escape to an alternate world of magic, danger, and costume balls for a time. (Even if it’s only between loads of laundry.) I’m also a huge fan of satire and humorists.  I really enjoy a book that can challenge my current perceptions while still making me smile.
2. If you could have tea (or lunch, or any meal really, tea just feels more book clubbish, doesn't it?) with any three characters from all of literature who would it be?
Hmm…tricky. I think I’d pick Nanny Ogg, Albus Dumbledore, and Ebenezer Scrooge. I believe that would be the most lively and interesting conversation I’d ever be a part of.
3. Do you have a favorite reading or book related quote?
I’ve been on a Terry Pratchett kick and these are some of my favorites:
 “Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong…”
“Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”
“Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.”
“This book was written using %100 recycled words.”
4. Where is your favorite place to read?
In the corner of the brake room, the bed, the overstuffed chair in the library, possibly the toilet if I ate something disagreeable, but definitely not outdoors. For whatever reason, I believe books were meant to be enjoyed while sitting someplace warm, dry and preferably snug—and in all my experience, reading outdoors has always equated to damp grass stains or sand in unmentionable places, two factors which utterly disrupt my literary enjoyment.
5. Do you have any funny reading quirks? (Like having to read things in numerical order or not reading books that start with the letter Q? Something like that?)
A series must always be read in chronological order—otherwise it wouldn’t be a series, it’d be a collection. I only read books that have descriptions in the jacket or on the back—I don’t read the last pages, but I’d still like to know what I’m getting into. I also have a general rule that if the author’s picture takes up more space than the description it probably isn’t worth the effort.
6. How many books are currently by your bed (on your nightstand or on the floor?) How many of those are you in the middle of reading?
I actually just cleaned my room, so there are only two on my nightstand at the moment…both in progress. However, there are ten more waiting at a discreet distance on my dresser.
7. Do you have a favorite children's book?
I loved The Borrowers and Raggedy Ann in Candy Land.
8. What is your earliest book related memory?
I remember writing my name on the title page of a library book I didn’t want to return…Mom made sure I never did it again. Conversely, I remember two years later in first grade, that the school librarian would always let me check out five books when the limit was actually two because I took such good care of them and always brought them back on time.
9. What is most amount of money you have ever had to pay in library fines?
*Cough* Well, obviously my good behavior from first grade didn’t last…at least as far as timeliness was concerned….I believe the most I’ve paid isum…$48.00…
10. Do you have any great story to share about trying to multi-task while reading? (i.e. walking into something while your nose was in a book?)
Actually I think my funniest story stems from my lack of ability to multi-task while reading.
I’ve always had the gift (or curse, depending on your point of view) of tuning everything else out when I’m really reading. You know, not just skimming, but nose pressed to the pages kind of thing… Anyway, it was 9th Grade and we had dedicated reading time during 1st period. I got really into the story and didn’t hear the girl next to me ask to borrow a pencil, didn’t hear the teacher remind us about the pep assembly after class, totally ignored the bell, and missed the fact that everyone walked out (in my defense I was craned over my desk with my hands propping my head up so I couldn’t see what was going on around me, plus the teacher led the way –which in this class meant everyone walked quietly in single file—and I was at the end of my row, so I didn’t sense anyone pass me.)
Fifteen minutes and one excellent chapter later, I rose from my literary stupor and was really confused as to where everyone had gone and how I’d missed it. My teacher moved me to the front after that.

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