Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spotlight Wednesdays

Our spotlight this week is Tiffany! (Just so you all know, I'll be posting these in the order I get them.  And I still haven't gotten everyones' questionnaire back, *hint hint* wink wink *nudge nudge*...)  Okay, back to Tiffany, who is another of my cousins and in a lot of ways we could be twins only separated by the nine years age difference and the fact that we were born to different mothers... :) Tiff has an adorable one year old daughter and both she and her husband are going to school at BYU-Idaho. 

1. Do you have a favorite author or genre? And if so what do you find most appealing about them? 

I love to read good stories that keep you from your responsibilities--the ones that are so charming or clever or captivating that you cant put it down. I do enjoy regency era books, murder mysteries, and books that replenish my spirit.

2. If you could have tea (or lunch, or any meal really, tea just feels more book clubbish, doesn't it?) with any three characters from all of literature who would it be?

The Wee Free Men, Dr. Temperance Brennan, and Sheharazade

3. Do you have a favorite reading or book related quote?

I have two.

"The good ended happily and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means." --Miss Prism, Importance of Being Earnest

"If you have never said "Excuse me" to a parking meter or bashed your shins on a fireplug, you are probably wasting too much valuable reading time."--Sherri Chasin Calvo

4. Where is your favorite place to read?

In bed, late at night while its still and quiet and I'm too relaxed to sleep, so I snuggle in bed and keep the bedside lamp on into the night! (Steven has built up an amazing immunity to light...he is able to sleep right through it!)

5. Do you have any funny reading quirks? (Like having to read things in numerical order or not reading books that start with the letter Q? Something like that?)

I can't read a book if someone suffers/suffered from abuse during childhood. I can't read a book of the heroine's name is retarded. I also can't read a book if it doesn't have an interesting/unique plot.

6. How many books are currently by your bed (on your nightstand or on the floor?) How many of those are you in the middle of reading?

About 15 on my bed stand and several on Steven's bed stand. (I really sound like an awful wife but he actually offers to be so sweet and lets me get away with stuff...)

7. Do you have a favorite children's book?

Stinky Cheese Man
Nursery Rhymes

8. What is your earliest book related memory?

I read these history books that had important events and the related stories in each, like the Abraham Lincoln story, or the Boston tea party, or the trail of tears. I must have been about six. It was when we used to live in Farmington. 

9. What is most amount of money you have ever had to pay in library fines?

It must have been just under $30.

10. Do you have any great story to share about trying to multi-task while reading? (i.e. walking into something while your nose was in a book?)

I used to do my reading for classes with Kaia. I would hold the book with one hand and highlight with the other hand....thank goodness Chrissy passed her boppy pillow on to me...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm a retard and wrote the last answer all skiwampus...I used to nurse Kaia while reading and highlighting the material for my classes...I thought it was impressive...That's as close as I get to a stupid human trick...
