Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Socery and Cecelia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot

I was first drawn in by the title.  Who wouldn't want to read about a chocolate pot?  And of course there is magic, I'm always a fan of that.  Then there are the strong female characters.  Um...hello.  Looks who's picking the book here.  If it's one of mine it pretty much has to have a strong female character.  But don't forget the love story, because a good book has to have one of those too.

When I first finished this book it was late at night (as per usual) and I wanted so badly to talk about it with someone.  I was thoroughly entranced, not just by the book, but by the way it was written.  This is a book written by two authors, who are friends.  Patricia C Wrede and Caroline Stevermer are both authors who hang out and have lunch, etc.  One day they decided to pick a character and write each other letters as that character and this book was born!    They didn't discuss it, they just wrote it.  Amazing.

I don't really know what else to say...Victorian-ish era, magic, evil sorcerers, and a love story.   I hope you enjoy it.


  1. I am so excited for a new month and a new book! This one looks really good. Guess who is going to the library today...

  2. Me too! This book sounds perfect for february---I'm going to the library, and the store for chocolate...The title alone makes me crave all those fun Valentines Day chocolate candies...

  3. Ok - so I failed on the first month. I know it seems like a bad sign, but with traveling and what not, blah blah blah, excuse excuse excuse.
    I will go to the library tonight! Or..TOMORROW! :)
    So excited!

  4. Hey Lena- there is no failing in this club, remember? Whenever you get around to reading the book is just fine. If you decided the book just doesn't grip you that's fine too. It's supposed to be no pressure, just fun. :)
